Krea Costruzioni has quickly organized its own core business in the respect of existing law and in accordance with ethical principles.

To this scope it has been necessary to sign a series of policy papers which can1 function as vademecum for all activities, present and future.

Ethical Code

The corporate code of ethics of Krea Costruzioni defines a complex web of ethical and social norms which corporate officers must respect. The code is also a strong motivation for the respect of the quality rules and it urges corrective actions to ameliorate the relationships between companies. The code of ethics is a document which complements the model of organization and management which has been written following the legislative Decree 08/06/2001, n. 231.
Along with the code, the Company adopts a system for the management of social responsibility “SA8000.”

Legislative Decree n. 231

Krea Costruzioni has adopted a model of organization and management along the lines of the Leg. D. 231/2001, which regulates the administrative responsibility of juridical entities, and it has nominated an autonomous Supervisory Body to make sure the Decree is respected within the Company. By integrating the Quality, Environment and Security System with this Supervisory Body, Krea Costruzioni ensures more and more positive effects on the optimization and efficiency of its own administrative processes.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Krea costruzioni respects the European Union regulation n.2016/679, better known with the acronym GDPR which concerns physical people and their personal data and privacy.

Supervisory Body

As specified by art.6, subp.1, let.b of the Lgs. D. 231/01, the Company has entrusted with the task of monitoring the functioning and the respect of the model of organization ex Lgs. D. 231/01 to an organism of the company which has autonomous power of initiative and control and is called Supervisory Body.
The Supervisory Body can be contacted:

  • to the email address;
  • through a sealed envelop to be sent to the headquarters of the company with the writing, in capital letters, (on both sides) “RESERVED TO THE SUPERVISORY BODY.”
  • by writing a message in the box below.


With reference to Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 published in the Official Gazette S.G. No. 63 of March 15, 2023, it incorporates into the Italian legal system the EU legislation safeguarding individuals who report illegal activities or fraud within a public or private organization, so-called “whistleblowers”.

Krea Costruzioni defines the modalities of its Policy regarding whistleblowing as per the attached document accessible in this section and provides whistleblowers with the reporting portal accessible at the following link:

Management System for the Prevention of Corruption

Krea Costruzioni possesses a fundamental certificate—Certificate ISO 37001—which defines the requirements and provides a guide to the use of the management systems for the prevention of corruption. The norm specifies the requirements and provides a guide to establish, implement, maintain, update and improve a management system for the prevention of corruption. This is part of the complete management system of the Company; it has been crafted to help the Company to prevent, track down, deal with and respect the law on the prevention and fight against corruption.

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